Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Our Take on Sensory Play

Sensory play is a well-covered topic on the internet already, but I haven't heard much mention of what to do when you're toddler still wants to eat everything. Many bloggers simply refer to how they tell their toddler "not to eat" the first time and boom, the millions of sensory options open up to them. Not so around here! But we still have sensory fun, most often with water in our homemade water tables. But we've also tried Love Play Learn's rainbow spaghetti and Fun at Home with Kids' yogurt paint. We tried fish and star shaped ice too. Anything that's safe for his mouth is safe for his hands!

Incidentally, our water tables are definitely toy numero uno around here, with N and with his friends. We made Moms by Heart's table in two sizes - a small low one that either makes a fun second level for water play or a great spot for sensory materials and a long higher one.

Want oodles of sensory ideas?

Play Create Explore's Sensory Bins: http://www.playcreateexplore.com/p/sensory-binstubs-and-activities.html

Play-Based Classroom's Sensory Play Ideas: http://play-basedclassroom.blogspot.com/2011/05/sensory-table-ideas.html

Teach Preschool's Sensory Play Everyday: http://www.teachpreschool.org/2011/11/everyday-sensory-play-in-preschool/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%253A+TeachPreschool+%2528Teach+Preschool%2529

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